Friday, May 26, 2006

Studio Standoff

Today, a tense situation exists in MoB Workspace between Liana and Rebecca. Liana has procured an extremely cute baby, baby coathanger which she intends to cut up for her Jack & Jill type plastic/silver jewellery pictured left. It depicts an idyllic scene of bambi x 2 among the swallows and it spans a teeny 10cm. The idea of it being chopped up into little pieces is barbaric beyond belief. Thankfully the Rebecca-the-good took up the cause and begged Liana-the-wrecker to postpone the terrible carnage.

Meanwhile Rebecca-the-good went opshopping too and came up with some rather peculiar red and white beaded screw-ons. Whilst human teeth appear to have been used in the manufacture, they are in fact glass. Eagerly looking forward to dismembering said earrings, to use the small red beads in a Threads Revisited necklace (pictured right), Rebecca-the-good was halted in her tracks by a gleeful Liana-the-would-be-wrecker and a deal was struck- the coat hanger would not be harmed if the horrible earrings were spared.

Let's see how long that lasts. Who will cave in first and what will be the terrible consequences? Stay posted.

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